Legend of the Five Rings Core Rulebook EDGE Studio Max Brooke, Katrina Ostrander, Marie Brennan, Daniel Lovat Clark, Robert Denton III, Sean Holland, D.G. Laderoute, Jason Marker, Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, Mari Murdock, Neall Raemonn Price, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Ree Soesbee, Thomas Willoughby Year:2020
Max Brooke, Katrina Ostrander, Marie Brennan, Daniel Lovat Clark, Robert Denton III, Sean Holland, D.G. Laderoute, Jason Marker, Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, Mari Murdock, Neall Raemonn Price, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Ree Soesbee, Thomas Willoughby
Legend of the Five Rings Core Rulebook Max Brooke, Katrina Ostrander, Marie Brennan, Daniel Lovat Clark, Robert Denton III, Sean Holland, D.G. Laderoute, Jason Marker, Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, Mari Murdock, Neall Raemonn Price, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Ree Soesbee, Thomas Willoughby
Dylan Birtolo, Kevin Blake, Marie Brennan, Shawn Carman, Robert Denton, Robert Hobart, Kim Hosmer, Dave Laderoute, Maxime Lemaire, Seth Mason, Eric Menge, Ryan Reese, Nick Volker
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